Stars and Stripes Academy

The Nation's Premier Training Forum for College Officials

Scott Amerman - SJ

Josh Aragon - BJ

Don Ariosto - HL

Jay Bilbo - HL

Brian Bortness - SJ

Reed Brotherton - BJ

Brian Brown - R

Rodney Bryant - CJ

Dan Buhler - SJ

Jason Castro - CJ

Don Denson - HL

Dustin Drawhorn -SJ

Ty Druse - R

Tom Drzazgowski - FJ

Brian Earls - CJ

Todd Evans - U

Michael Frain - CJ

David Gudgell - HL

Jacob Gustafson - U

Terry Hinn - FJ

Aaron Hochuli - BJ

Jeff Hutcheon - HL

Josh Jacobsen - U

​Dwayne Johnson - HL

After many hours of research, phone calls, debate, and discussion, we have finally come to a decision for on-field positions. 

Two very important actions need to be taken:

First: You MUST send an email to Chase Richins at [email protected] confirming your acceptance of your position, whether on-field or non-field. On-Field must accept no later than midnight tomorrow (the 8th). As a non-field attendee you have the luxury of thinking about accepting for some time. However, you should be aware that you will not be allowed to choose your crew until you've accepted and we've received your down payment. 

Second: A down payment of half ($375 for non-field, $725 for on-field) is due by Sunday, February 14th, with payment in full due April 1st.  

The 2016 on-field officials are:

Sheldon King - U
Doug King - FJ
Michael Livingston - R

Jim Losey - U
Brandon MacEachen - LJ

Zack Marble - LJ

Jeremy McClenahan - BJ
Mike Merritt - CJ
Jeff Mikus - LJ
Monty Montgomery - LJ
Spencer Mumford - BJ
Joel Murphy - FJ
Michael Papushak - LJ
Mike Patton - R
David Prather - SJ
Kevin Rathbun - SJ
Jeff Reid - R
David Reyes - U
Solomon Ricks - CJ
Jon Sborov - FJ
Marcus Thornton - R
Tyree Walton - BJ

Jacob Wittler - LJ

Terry Woodley - FJ